Consultative Workshop to validate LATF Consultancy Reports
LATF organized and hosted a Consultative Experts workshop from 27th – 28th November 2012 at the Laico Regency Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya. This meeting was held pursuant to Decision X/5 of the 10th Governing Council meeting held on 11th November 2011 in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania that directed the Task Force to convene an Experts meeting to deliberate and validate three (3) consultancy reports with a view of making appropriate recommendations for consideration and adoption by the Governing Council: The consultancy reports comprised:
- Review of forestry and wildlife legislations of Parties of the Lusaka Agreement with a view for harmonization
- Evaluation of the LATF’s ten-year Strategic Plan (2005-2015)
- Assessment of alternative options on statutory contributions by parties to the Lusaka Agreement
Twenty two (22) participants drawn from relevant ministries and wildlife authorities in five (5) Lusaka Agreement member states i.e. Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia as well as LATF and UNEP representatives attended the meeting.
The Experts’ meeting recommended for the adoption of the three reports and implementation of consultants’ recommendations by the Governing Council. In their report, the experts urged the Parties and LATF to take into account relevant consultants’ recommendations in formulating and reviewing their respective legislations with a view of harmonization, and review the LATF strategic plan to make it a more focused and achievable blue print for the effective implementation of the Lusaka Agreement.