Meeting of the Bureau of the 10th Governing Council
The Lusaka Agreement Task Force hosted a meeting of the Bureau of the 10th Governing Council from 29th to 30th November 2012 at the Laico Regency Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya. The meeting of the Bureau is usually convened at periods intervening the full Governing Council sessions to review progress in the implementation of the Agreement as well as consider and approve reports as well as programmes of work and budgets of LATF.
The ministerial meeting was preceded by an experts meeting held on 29th November 2012 that was attended by representatives from Lusaka Agreement member states comprising senior officials from ministries responsible for wildlife as well as National Bureaus (forestry/wildlife authorities) from Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. The Bureau led by Hon. Henri DJOMBO (MP) President of the 10thGoverning Council and Minister for Sustainable Development and Forest economy of the Republic of Congo and Hon. David Phiri (MP) Rapporteur of the Lusaka Agreement and Deputy Minister for Tourism and Arts of the Republic of Zambia graced the ministerial session held on 30th November 2012. The Vice-President of the 10th Governing Council and Minister for Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities of the Republic of Uganda Hon. Maria Mutagamba was represented by Mr. George Owoyesigire, whereas Dr. Osoro Nyakweba represented Hon. Noah Wekesa, Member of the Governing Council and Minister for Forestry and Wildlife of the Republic of Kenya, the host nation.
The Meeting’s deliberations crystalized in a number of decisions and resolutions. Among these was the adoption of three (3) consultancy reports namely i) Review of forestry and wildlife legislations of Parties of the Lusaka Agreement with a view for harmonization ii) Evaluation of the LATF’s ten-year Strategic Plan (2005-2015) and iii) Assessment of alternative options on statutory contributions by parties to the Lusaka Agreement that had been validated by experts at the consultative workshop held from 27th to 28th November 2012 at the same venue.