Meeting of the Bureau of the 12th Governing council of Parties to the Lusaka Agreement


Pursuant to Rule 13 of the rules of procedure for meetings of the Lusaka Agreement Governing Council, and in accordance with Decision GC/XII/2(6), Lusaka Agreement Task Force has the honour to inform you that the Bureau Meeting of the 12th Governing Council of Parties to the Lusaka Agreement will be held from 7th to 8th May 2019 in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.

As stipulated in rules 5, 18 and 19 of the rules of procedure for meetings of the Lusaka Agreement Governing Council, the meeting will be open to Parties, all African States, the United Nations and its specialized agencies and any states non- party to the Agreement as well as anybody or agency qualified in the fields relating to law enforcement in wild fauna and flora, which has informed LATF of its wish to be represented as an observer.

The Ministerial session of the Governing Council meeting to be held on 8th May 2019 will be preceded by a one-day Experts meeting that shall deliberate on substantive technical matters on the implementation of the Lusaka Agreement. The meeting will take stock of the implementation of the decisions of the 12th Governing Council as well as other salient matters and guide on the way forward.

The venue and other logistics for the Bureau meeting are being arranged in collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Congo and will be communicated by LATF together with the invitation letters, working documents and provisional agenda in due course.


For any further  information or  clarification, please contact the Secretariat: 


Tel:      +254 722 204008/9

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