Operation Nguvu Zaidi: Tech-Savvy Crackdown, unveil modern tactics in Zambia’s organised Wildlife Crime Fight
Lusaka, Zambia: We are thrilled to announce the conclusion of [...]
Lusaka, Zambia: We are thrilled to announce the conclusion of [...]
In a significant win against wildlife trafficking, the collaboration between [...]
Arrests linked to tons of assorted wildlife contraband seized in [...]
Nairobi, KENYA, May 30 2018 – Eight African nationals, including government officers, [...]
In support of the ongoing wildlife enforcement efforts in Africa [...]
Since December 2016, LATF has been coordinating a transnational investigation [...]
Kenya's investigation team in bilateral talks with Royal Thai Officials [...]
LATF was highly represented at the successfully concluded Judicial Colloquium [...]
Lusaka Agreement Task Force (LATF) successfully organized and convened a [...]
Lusaka Agreement Task Force (LATF) in collaboration with INTERPOL Regional [...]